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The ever interesting and keen Kent Gardner reports on how the Rochester economy has fared in recent years as compared to the rest of NY and the country. The answer? Surprisingly, perhaps, is really well! Click through for some data – the important lesson is that unlike in the past, modern Rochester is a well diversified city that has opportunities in a wide variety of industries from the glamorous to the unglamorous, and that there seems to be opportunity for people with a wide variety of backgrounds. I intend to write more about Rochester in the future.

3 Responses to “What Rochester Gets Right”

  1. Harry says:

    I second the motion, even though Speedmaster did it implicitly.

    One bet I would make is that the vitality of Rochester is not the work of a committee of visionaries in Albany, but by they did not do.

    Before Don Trump next says that China is eating our lunch, he should visit Rochester. Build a hotel.

  2. Harry says:

    Steve Jobs again caused me to write a garbled sentence. I meant to say that what the Albany committee did not do had a more positive effect than anything they may have dreamed up.

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