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Daily Archive for May 8th, 2018

Give them credit for their creativity, again this from Josh Muravchik’s book: Several thousand Party members had been arrested, and many had been executed,” charged with being members of an antiparty conspiracy, a label borrowed from Stalin’s purges. “Supposed conspiritors were persecuted to devilish cruelty,” continues Salisbury. “One group of local Party leaders was paraded […]

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Here is Uncle Karl in an 1850 address to the Central Committee of the Communist League (via Josh Muravchik’s work): the workers must counteract … the bourgeois endeavors to allay the storm, and must compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. Their actions must be so aimed as to prevent the direct […]

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Technology, Clay and Socialism

It is thought that if only artificial intelligence proceeds apace, and computing power increases apace, that the knowledge and information demands imposed by the economic problem could conceivably be dealt with, and then socialist central planning could succeed. It is thought that if only men were angels, then we could run an economy without having […]

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