1937 New Dealers Edition. Seems like FDR was off his rocker. In the midst of these defeats, and the rising unemployment, Roosevelt became more explicit in describing a conspiracy of businessmen trying to undermine his administration. They were still avoiding taxes and refusing to invest in economic development. Morgenthau received first news of this conspiracy […]
Tag Archive 'New Deal'
On the Eve of the 2017 Inauguration – the Storm Clouds Roll In
Posted in History on Jan 25th, 2021
Oh, I meant 1937: I was impressed as never before by the utter lack of logic of the man, the scantiness of his precise knowledge of things that he was talking about, by the gross inaccuracies in his statements, by the almost pathological lack of sequence in his discussion, by the complete rectitude that he […]
Progenitor of Fake News Hysteria
Posted in Government Gone Wild on Jan 22nd, 2021
Businessmen are stupid! The news are all against me! Fake news! Here is Brain Truster Ray Moley (i.e. an FDR insider and supporter) on FDR: (FDR) then launched into a violent attack upon business men generally, saying that he had talked to a great many business men, in fact to more business men than had […]