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Eat Your iPod

That was my answer to what Americans can do about rising food prices. Hear more on these radio shows:

  1. Wednesday, April 23 appearance on Mark Reardon Show on KMOX in St. Louis.
  2. Thursday, April 24 appearance with former San Diego Mayor Roger Hedgecock Show, KOGO in San Diego.
  3. Friday, April 25 appearance on WRVA AM Richmond Morning News w/Jimmy Barrett
  4. Friday, April 25 appearance on Nationally Syndicated (by Westwood One and XM Radio) Jim Bohannon Show
  5. Tuesday, April 29 appearance on the Armstrong Williams Radio Show

Yep, this is shameless self-promotion. But lots of interesting questions came up, including:

  • Has the relative price of eating out fallen now that food prices have risen so sharply?
  • Is there anything consumers can do to protect themselves from these price increases?
  • Is the experience in the U.S. being replicated elsewhere?
  • How does this food and energy price run-up compare to expected costs of doing something about global warming?

And much much more. Sorry not all of the interviews were podcasted.

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