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The Practice of Econometrics: A Feminist Critique
Brigitte H. BechtoldDepartment of Sociology, 137 Anspach Hall, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, b.bechtold@cmich.eduThis paper defines feminist research methods and econometrics and then constructs a feminist critique of traditional methods of econometrics, notably regression and time series analysis. The role of academe and economics programs in maintaining masculinist econometric practices is also addressed. A list of remedies to be followed includes multimethod and interdisciplinary research, as well as increased reliance on inductive rather than deductive methods.

I think I will write a paper on the Italian-American critique of the practice of Econometrics! Here is the abstract:

“This paper defines Italian-American research methods and econometrics and then constructs a Italian-American critique of traditional methods of econometrics, notably regression and time series analysis. The role of academe and economics programs in maintaining Anglo-American econometric practices is also addressed. A list of remedies to be followed includes ravioli dinners on Sundays with family, as well as continued reliance on inductive rather than deductive methods.”

Is she confusing Austrian methods with econometrics? I thought the Austrians used deduction, and their criticism of the neo-classical field is that it is inductive?

Link here. HT to a dear friend that I will protect the identity of.

3 Responses to “This Week’s Sign of the Economic Apocalypse”

  1. noodleguy says:

    Other signs of the economic apocalypse:
    A close friend of mine just became a member of the Democratic Socialist Party, despite my best efforts to the otherwise.

    Exactly what are these “masculinist econometric practices”? Seriously?

    haha, “ravioli dinners Sundays with family”

  2. It'sTigerWoodsy'all says:

    In the paper:

    “the proliferation of microcomputers and the internet have rendered data gathering and tedious computation obsolete for students. Ease of access to data makes the user complacent and less critical than when data collection is the result of a tedious experiment or survey.”

    MORE WORK, MORE VALUE! and don’t hate me for my “feminist” ideals.

  3. skh.pcola says:

    That is perhaps the most tortured logic that I’ve seen in, say, a year, at least. “Feminist” and “econometrics” are so mutually exclusive that they have no correlation whatsoever. This is the sort of tripe that liberal arts, sociology majors manufacture to try to justify their existence.

    “Masculinist.” *chortle!* What a retard. Sounds like a vocation for a busker in Vancouver.

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