Though I have met some sincerely concerned environmentalists who wish to preserve the best of our natural heritage along with our modern way of life, more folks I encounter are simply using Environmentalist rhetoric as cover for their anti-capitalist sentiments. At least this guy is honest:
CLIMATE AND CAPITALISM is an online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the ecosocialist alternative. It has three goals:
To provide news and analysis to inform, educate and develop the green left;
To contribute to building an international movement against capitalist destruction of the environment and for ecosocialism;
To encourage and facilitate collaboration and exchanges of views among socialists and ecology activists.
I am the Ian Angus who wrote Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of The Communist Party of Canada, and who used to host a blues music program called “Let the Good Times Roll” on CIUT-FM in Toronto. My most recent book is The Global Fight for Climate Justice: Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Ecological Destruction.
My other online political projects include Socialist Voice, the Socialist History Project , and Reading from the Left. I am a founding member of the Ecosocialist International Network.
I live in a geo-thermally heated/cooled farmhouse in eastern Ontario, south of Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. When I am not “doing politics,” I listen to blues, classic R&B and soul music, read mystery novels and occasionally science fiction, and watch more television than I ought to.
I wished these guys would be more honest. Funny to see this guy sampling the best of the environment along with the best of modern society. Somehow I think he believes that we’d get good R&B, good television and good mystery novels in an eco-socialist cabal cave.
I swear he could have posted this on Eharmony.
My Name is Ian Angus, I am a Canadian Socialist looking for a fellow Socialist who loves music and television. I enjoy science fiction, and “doing politics.”
This sort of stuff always amazes me. Is it possible that Mr Angus believes so profoundly in Socialism but has never read any meaningful work from the opposing views. Does he realize that it is possible to be a capatalist AND love the environment!