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If the UAW is considered a national treasure, that is.

I asked a student to investigate how much of the $787 billion of stimulus bill went toward national park funding? The National Parks have historically had a huge backlog of maintenance projects (roughly $9 billion worth) and many were shovel ready. Given their stature, one would think that of the $787 billion being tossed around in the name of recovery, that the parks would get a few billion. Not so.

If you’re still interested in the U.S. Park Services Stimulus question, I found some interesting things.
The government has an oversite webpage geared towards plebs called recovery.org, and the allotted funds they say the Park Service has are different then the ones reported in recovery bill!

According to the act they get $589,000,000 for construction, $15,000,000 for historical preservation, and $146,000,000 for operation.

BUT, according to recovery.gov:

-for Construction (and Major Maintenance), there are $107,828,805 available and they have used $11,229,662

-for Historic Preservation Fund, there are $14,412,031 available, and they have used $162,031

-for Operation of the National Park System there are $27,868,906 available, and they have used $11,232,417

So, I am taking this information to say that of the $750,000,000 they were promised in the bill (less than 1% of the porkulus funds), there have only been $150,109,742 made available! This is only 20%. Very interesting!

Interesting indeed.

2 Responses to “Funding Our National “Treasures””

  1. Harry says:

    You must be proud of your student, writing tersely and to the point, without distracting grammar errors. Tell your student I am impressed. Even better, tell your student I learned something. Please pass this compliment on. (My only criticism, which should not deny him or her an A-plus, is his using “porculus” not because it made me understand, but because it is a perjorative referring to the reckless and ruinous behavior of congress. I hope you protect the identity of your student, who might get on some list for burning at the stake.)

    Maybe the park system, to its credit, has decided not to pour concrete cutouts in the upper reaches of Cascade Canyon.

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