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I am forced to make accommodations for special needs students from time to time, and am happy to do so when the situation calls for it. For example, I have students that have physical difficulty writing, so I allow them to take their exams on a word processor. But here is the latest thing I am forced to accommodate students for, no questions asked.

“I believe STUDENT would like to take his exam in an alternate location as not to be distracted by the larger class section.”

Well, wouldn’t we all. Maybe I should ask for an alternate office location so that I do not get distracted from all of the other smart professors around here … and those pesky students too.

3 Responses to “More Joys of Teaching in a P.C. World”

  1. Speedmaster says:

    Scary, and slightly sad.

  2. Paul says:

    Prof. Rizzo,

    Unfortunately for once I think you are wrong. The student in question might really have a condition like ADD that increases the difficulty of taking a test in a large lectue hall. It might seem trivial to someone without the condition, however, for some it can be completely debilitating. The problem occurs when students finish the exam at different times, then get up to leave the exam. Wouldn’t you find it distracting if during your lecture you had a student get up to leave every half-minute or so? Of course, you would ask why can’t everyone just sit in their seats. The same occurs for students when taking an exam but multiply that by 100+ students that might be in a large lecture hall.

  3. SusanC says:

    Hmmm, some universities (mine included) have special facilities with proctoring for special need students, so they can take their tests in comfort. But assuming Dr. Rizzo’s university does not, I’m not sure how he should be expected to accomodate this request. Most professorial offices are small and/or shared- not the ideal test-taking venue. Quiet, comfortable space is often at a premium. So my take is that students with such needs should only go to universities that specifically have such facilities or otherwise not expect the “kid gloves” treatment. Or, heck, why not pursue a degree from U. of Phoenix from the relative comfort of home?

    I have always wonder what such special needs people do once they graduate. Can they work in a normal office environment or do they get their businesses to make extra-special accomodations for them? Yet another reason I’d hate to be an employer!

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