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That this is a headline says volumes about how well off we are in the year 2010 as compared to the past:

Cruise passengers endured stench, cold food

4 Responses to “Drop in the Ocean of Prosperity”

  1. chuck martel says:

    “Many of us still regard the trip from Dover to Calais with distaste, but to the seventeenth-century passenger it was a fearsome ordeal. Take, for instance, the attempted crossing of the Queen of England, in 1644, when, after a nine-day gale, the ship was driven into a Dutch port. The unfortunate woman ‘suffered the terrors of almost certain death, tied down in a little bed, with her ladies tied down around her in theirs’. (We may note in passing that the cabins of all ships at this period were mere empty boxes which had to be furnished by the passenger.) When the unfortunate Queen got ashore, it was ‘in a state so strange that it was disagreeable to approach her’, says Mme. de Motteville, who adds a number of details better omitted.” Lewis, W.H., “The Splendid Century”, William Sloan Associates, 1953.

  2. Steve Burrows says:

    Spam, Pop Tarts, and canned crab, awesome cruise!

  3. Michael says:

    Sounds like a long car trip with family!

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