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RRR and … E?

In education news:

Given the pervasiveness and enormity of these environmental problems, it is inexcusable that schools rarely teach students to evaluate their risks and reduce their exposure to toxicants in our environment,” say the book’s co-authors. “Examining our relationships with our environment is central not only to our health, but also to the health of all living species. It is a crucial topic that must become an essential part of the curriculum.”

What shall it replace? Math programs? Music programs? And I am just sooooo sure that such an approach will be reasonably presented. After all, consider that a core area of research for one of the authors is the study of … neoliberalism. Indeed, I am sure one of the major lessons the kids will learn is that richer is cleaner.

4 Responses to “RRR and … E?”

  1. Speedmaster says:

    BINGO! I ask that all the time. When kids are learning about composting, what are they not learning? How much math is worth giving to learn more about plastic bags?

    To wit:
    ( http://bit.ly/uvUPBV )
    ( http://bit.ly/sTaZfE )

  2. Rod says:

    Johnny pays $22 a month for trash pickup, but Billy pays only $15 dollars a month. Billy’s trash hauler only picks up separated recyclables, while Johnny’s hauler lets customers to mix recycled materials together. Which corporate trash hauler is more evil? Extra credit: wouldn’t it be better to let unionized public employees pick up the trash?

  3. Harry says:

    The first Earth day occurred, I believe, in 1970. I can remember it was in May, of course, but not the same day as the solar eclipse. I do rember it was after Bill Ayers and the Weathermen tried to blow up the Pentagon. I was teaching at the time.

    That day, given my natural inclinations, I think I told my students not to believe everything they read. I am sure it was something like that, because later in the day I made comments that made my colleagues arch their eyebrows, but beside the point that I had received a comprehensive education that would last a lifetime, I did not have much ammunition to refute the love fest that was Earth Day.

    A missed opportunity.

    The degradation of scientific understanding has been going on for a long time. However, I am optimistic. The Flat Earth people did not prevail.

  4. jb says:

    Gee Wintercow there you go again putting a wet blanket on everything, limited resources, budget constraints, yadda yadda. But seriously if we are going to reconsider the schools’ curriculum, shouldn’t we consider whether to require something called economics, which after all has something to do with the efficient allocation of scarce resources last time I checked — and consider that the environment as a resource is arguably a subset of economics? Then again, I shudder to think what THAT syllabus might look like…

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