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Perusing the research this morning, I come across this:


Public Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Employment Lock
by Craig Garthwaite, Tal Gross, Matthew J. Notowidigdo  –  NBER Working Paper #19220 

We study the effect of public health insurance eligibility on labor supply by exploiting the largest public health insurance
disenrollment in the history of the United States.  In 2005, approximately 170,000 Tennessee residents abruptly lost public health
insurance coverage.  Using both across- and within-state variation in exposure to the disenrollment, we estimate large increases in labor
supply, primarily along the extensive margin.  The increased employment is concentrated among individuals working at least 20
hours per week and receiving private, employer-provided health insurance.  We explore the dynamic effects of the disenrollment and
find an immediate increase in job search behavior and a steady rise in both employment and health insurance coverage following the
disenrollment.  Our results suggest a significant degree of “employment lock” – workers employed primarily in order to secure
private health insurance coverage.  The results also suggest that the Affordable Care Act – which similarly affects adults not
traditionally eligible for public health insurance – may cause large reductions in the labor supply of low-income adults.

One Response to “Just What We Need During a Labor Market Stagnation”

  1. Harry says:

    What a big surprise.

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