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Category Archive for 'Post'

What Would You Choose?

Imagine you live in a small state (or any state for that matter) such as Rhode Island. You are worried about the college choices that you  have. Imagine this being a world where you are not permitted to shop for a college choice in another state, even if you live closer to a school in […]

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Here are a few more tidbits from the life of Newton to illustrate just how good things were back in the good old days: When Newton went to Trinity College, he had “enough” for his immediate needs: a chamber pot, a notebook of 140 blank pages (three and a hlaf by five and a half […]

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Pardon the Dust

Folks, please pardon the changes in the site for now. I am working to get a new content management system installed to better integrate the blog with other media and economics learning materials to make the site more useful as a general economics learning tool. In the meantime, I seem to have “misplaced” lots of […]

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Rolling Dice

You have a choice to play one of three games for money: Choice A: there are 6 dice in a box with which you are to roll a six Choice B: there are 12 dice in a box with whch you are to roll two sixes Choice C: there are 18 dice in a box […]

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Quotes I Enjoyed Today

Building high-speed rail will be like standing in the chilly vestibule of a mid-winter Amtrak train in Chicago and burning million-dollar bills to keep warm. But that’s what happens when you base your transportation policies on the slogan from a Kevin Costner movie rather than on real data. That from the ever-worth reading Antiplanner.  How […]

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Suffering from Maine-iac Arrest

That would be the public health insurance program in tiny Maine. Here is what it promised In 2003, the state to great fanfare enacted its own version of universal health care … , it would cover all of Maine’s approximately 128,000 uninsured citizens. System-wide controls on hospital and physician costs would hold down insurance premiums. […]

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