From farmers who care! I just love that. People I never met, trying to engage in commercial activity with me, have to convince me that they care about me. Not just me either, but also the thousands of other people here in the UR community. How do they manage to have so much care in their hearts? What ever happened to persuading customers that your product is tastier than your competitors? What ever happened to persuading customers that your product is a better value for the price than your competitors? Why is there a need to confuse our commercial lives with our personal lives? Do we WANT that? Love and caring, as horrible as this is going to sound, are scarce too. I’d prefer to keep the love and caring for the areas in my life that it makes sense to apply it. The record of running societies out of love and not out of profits is not exactly very good.
HT: Zach Kimball for the image.