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This is (controversially) making the rounds this morning.

End World Hunger, Sell the Vatican.

I don’t care about the issue frankly. But I do care about the awful state of economic understanding even in articles like that one. For example, the writer says:

For the record, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, which just released its annual report on the state of world hunger, says global food output will have to increase by 70 percent to feed a projected population of 9.1 billion in 2050.

To achieve that, poor countries will need $44 billion in annual agricultural aid, compared with the current $7.9 billion, the Rome-based FAO said.

Both the comediene and the writer get an F in my economics course. What kind of headlines would I get if I gave a profanity laced comedic monologue that included the actual way to reduce world hunger?

End World Hunger: Expand Private Property, Voluntary Exchange and the Rule of Law!

Doesn’t make for a nice bumper sticker does it? How long will it take for anyone, including the overlords in the Catholic church, to understand that while charity is a wonderful gesture, it is not a sustainable way out of poverty? Even the Bible said something about improving our ability to fish, no? Ask yourself what has allowed billions of people to emerge from grinding poverty over the last half century. Ask yourself what has allowed billions to be fed using smaller and smaller amounts of land to do it. Is it due to the charity and love of the West and of neighbors? No.

2 Responses to “Maybe I Should Become a Comedian”

  1. Speedmaster says:

    How about selling off all U.S. federally owned land first?

  2. Harry says:

    Worldwide, the greenies are opposed to GM wheat, corn and soybeans, which could not only prevent starvation in Africa, but also might enable Africans, assuming the dictators there would let them own property, to grow enough to export, and actually make some real money, assuming that european proto-feudalist farm bureaucrats would permit them to import wheat, corn and soybeans.

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