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The evils of immigration:

if they are to be called evils, are not temporary. The direct descendants of the people who fought for and founded the Republic, and gave us a rich heritage of democratic institutions, are being displaced by …

Not Asian people. Not Latin American people. But …

Slavic, Balkan and Mediterranean peoples.

Source: Hunter, Robert. 1965. Poverty: Social Conscience in the Progressive Era, p. 313.

One Response to “The Evils of Immigration”

  1. Harry says:

    I am sure Wintercow caught Mary O’Grady ‘s interview of Jeb Bush in the WSJ Saturday. A good discussion on immigration.

    For many decades much has been written about the baby-boom problem we face presently, where fewer earners support a growing number of retirees. Much of the problem has been blamed on lower birth rates, and nearly everybody has talked as if the demographic problem is inevitable.

    But is it? Why can’t the working population grow?

    Well, it cannot grow without economic growth and wealth creation.

    And if we have growth and a birth rate lower than the replacement rate, who will do the work? Immigrants coming to the Land of Opportunity.

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