Here is what would seem to be a good article by Archbishop of New York, Tim Dolan, telling us why Catholic Schools are so wonderful and how they plan to succeed in the coming years. Now, for those of you not really following, Catholic schools are circling the drain and will be all but eliminated in a generation or two. And this would be true despite any particular change in religiosity in this country.
While Cardinal Dolan of course does a nice job describing what the schools emphasize and do well, he eschews talking about the giant elephant in the room aside from one sentence suggesting that some people wish to see Catholic schooling end. And until Catholic leaders get the spine to speak out loudly and forcefully and mobility hundreds of thousands of Catholics and voters against government schooling, at least in its current form, we are doomed.
But of course if you read the piece closely you’ll see why the Archbishop doesn’t do such a thing. It’s because, in my view, the “Church” has been infected by the virus of social justice as well and I have been to far too many talks where even devout Catholics see no option but to turn to the state to remedy perceived ills, or even worse, to not recognize the source of many of the ills that they rightly are worried about.
So, we’ll get nowhere fast. Elsewhere in New York we’ll be travelling to Albany in a few weeks to “beg” some slimy state legislators to consider pushing through an income tax credit for families who send their kids to Catholic schools. This of course would not be a refundable credit, and would not particularly be useful for a large number of families who might otherwise seriously consider Catholic schooling. Again, the tax credit seems like “playing nice” instead of taking off the gloves and exposing the government schooling monopoly for the tyranny that it is. And it is.
Maybe I should just throw in the towel and send my kids to the government schools too. Get my fair share you know. And from our leadership, it’s beginning to be harder to tell the difference anyway.
>> “It’s because, in my view, the “Church” has been infected by the virus of social justice as well and I have been to far too many talks where even devout Catholics see no option but to turn to the state to remedy perceived ills, or even worse, to not recognize the source of many of the ills that they rightly are worried about.”
Bingo. +1000
I picked up this pithy phrase somewhere in the last few weeks, don’t remember where. But it came up at dinner last night in conversation why I’m so disappointed with the Catholic church.
The leadership of the Catholic church renders unto Caesar that which is God’s.
This is certainly true of the American Catholic church.
I think the Catholic schools in Dallas will survive. The public schools are so bad that it really is parental misconduct to send your children to them. But the costs, of both the government school taxes and the parochial school tuition trap too many kids in those crappy schools.
Perhaps technology will change this. I am optimistic.
I agree strongly with all of these sentiments.
For my fellow Catholic winter cow fans, I recommend you check out the Acton Insitute if you are not already aware of it.
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