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Hi All,

Wintercow will be out to pasture for quite some time and will have limited engagement with modern electronics. He’ll try to post some pictures and relevant stories from his travels should they be appropriate. In the meantime, I just finished Adam Minter’s Junkyard Planet — highly recommended on many levels. Here’s a snippet from p. 228:

If you’re looking to avoid a hefty assessment on your imported scrap metal, you’re better off importing mixed metal than the pure stuff. Then, when it arrives at your Chinese warehouse, you assign a team of $15-per-day laborers to sort it out. That’s a cost, for sure, but less than what you’d be paying in taxes if you imported it as separated metal.

Happy Wandering to all of you too.

4 Responses to “PSA: Limited Posting for a While”

  1. Scott says:

    Best wishes and happy wandering to you as well WC

  2. Speedmaster says:

    Looks like the end of my free-riding for a while. Have fun.

  3. Harry says:

    We expect some great pictures. Be safe getting them. Hope you have Robert Service loaded into your device, or, better, the real book.

  4. Harry says:

    Best wishes to the herd, going to the dry cow pasture.

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