As an unbiased paragon of science, I have scoured the professional economics literature to find out that despite college tuitions increasing at twice the rate of inflation for the past three decades, and despite the fact that college tuition as a share of median household income has more than doubled over this time period, that college enrollments continue to rise.
I see article after article and op-ed after op-ed by people who are obviously in the pay of “Big Student” that suggests that the increasing cost of college is limiting access and making it harder for people to complete college. But this is nothing more than ideological nonsense – derived from nothing more than textbook theories – but a look at real world people on the real world ground shows this theory to be very specialized at best, or just plain wrong. Well, for all of the pots and pans being banged about the “dangers” of high tuition prices, we’ve seen no great crisis or catastrophe when tuitions have continued to go up. Furthermore, if the U of Rochester and all universities raised their tuition prices, the university itself and its staff and employees would now all have a lot more resources to spend, including resources to spend on more education. So, with the higher tuition, all of the staff and employees would be able to purchase healthier food, support local businesses, and help to regenerate the once flourishing areas of the city within which the college is located.
I heretofore propose that Congress immediately pass legislation mandating that college tuition by no lower than $100,000. It’s high time that we stop the dastardly practice of low tuitions. Raising tuition is not only morally the right thing to do, it’s good for the economy too.
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