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In accepting subsidies for economic development, we read:

We are deeply grateful to the Governor and our state delegation for their support and recognition. We also understand our efforts have only just begun and look forward to continuing to work with the state to build a new economic future for our region.

Really? Thanks to the governor? How “generous” of him. Among the many problems with my hometown and neighboring areas is that their entire vision of development is one of big projects, state assistance, “revitalizing”, and so on. This is not what my city needs. 50+ years of “renewal” projects don’t seem to have worked in Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Watertown, Buffalo … maybe it’s time for a little different approach?

One Response to “To Whom Are You Grateful?”

  1. Harry says:

    How generous of the governor to help the hard working men and women of upstate New York. I see television ads all the time on Fox News proclaiming New York Is Open for Business. Glad to hear the program is working in Rochester.

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