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Tag Archive 'global warming'

US CO2 emissions from energy production today are no higher than they were 18 years ago. Adjusting for energy produced and GDP produced we are seeing the beginnings of a decoupling. One would hope this is viewed as good news.

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Suppose World Total GDP, which now stands at apx. $70 trillion, grows at about only 2% per year (ignoring population for a moment). This means that over the next 100 years, GDP will double approximately three times (use the rule of 69.3!). If you think total growth will be 3%, not at all unlikely, it will […]

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We’re Doomed: Episode 599874

The journal Nature now uses the term climate "denier" as a scientific one. UPDATE: Warren Meyer has an article on Forbes today about it.

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The Icelandic Volcano eruption story is here. Notice how many times the authors of this article indicate the effect such a thing is likely to have on climate.  In fact, Levitt and Dubner were excoriated for suggesting we pay some money to do this sort of a thing on our own – seems like Mother […]

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Is there any data or evidence that could potentially be shown to you that might make you reconsider your faith in the topic? I’ll make it simpler, is there any data or evidence that at least will make you reconsider how useful the climate models are? The strange temperature trends in the tropical upper troposphere […]

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Silent Consensus

I used to be “warmer” to the idea that climate change is a serious problem. That was, until the folks started intentionally exagerrating claims in order to “get our attention” and to want to spend 5o times more funds to prevent change than even the worst case damage scenarios portray. But when these sorts of […]

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… and with zero calories too! The point of the cap and trade plan is to raise energy costs substantially – to intentionally NOT give consumers a break on winter heating costs. Have fun blaming that on greedy energy companies. I don’t think Americans are that dumb.

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I am probably in the minority of citizens that is happy about $4.00 gas for political reasons. Politicians, seeing how much hardship is caused to lower and middle-income Americans when energy costs rise even modestly, seriously tone down their rhetoric regarding “doing something” about global warming. The dirty secret is that if you think $4.00 […]

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Begin with the current inventory of carbon dioxide emissions – CO2 being the principal greenhouse gas generated almost entirely by energy use. According to the Department of Energy’s most recent data on greenhouse gas emissions, in 2006 the U.S. emitted 5.8 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide, or just under 20 tons per capita. An […]

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