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My wife noticed this picture on the wall of one of our favorite sub shops. It is an image of their first location (started in 1918). Check out the meat scale on the left, and the message on it (click it for full-size):

The scale reads, “No Springs – Honest Weight.” Notice, too, that the scale manufacturer put glass on the customer side of the scale so that they can verify what is going inside the machine. Can we put one of those on the desk of each Congressman?

3 Responses to “At a Deli in Rochester, Interwar Period”

  1. Speedmaster says:

    Great find. 🙂

  2. Harry says:

    Holy Toledo!

  3. jb says:

    Very cool indeed. I guess nowadays it is replaced by the official blessing of the local governemnt “sealer of weights and measures.” You will find such emblems on gas pumps, etc. Food for thought anyone?

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