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Is there any better quote to capture how some people feel about the way the world works. WTC responders are in line to scoop up $657 million in damages to be paid by NYC and the companies that worked to clean up the WTC site.

  1. Is it really plausible that anyone was unaware of the health risks from working down there?
  2. Were these workers forced to go there?
  3. Look at how solid the science is supporting the link between working at the site and getting ill.

Just invoking the term “9/11” is enough, I guess, to justify any claim you might have. And this whole notion of fighting for what we deserve, well – doesn’t your compensation reflect what you deserve? My pay is lower because of non-wage job characteristics that make it more attractive than having to work outside of academia. Chopping down trees is better paid than other jobs requiring similar skills in order to compensate workers for the extra risk they are taking on in doing those jobs.

By the way, if this guy who made this quote was a carpenter, then why doesn’t he have his own respiratory safety equipment anyway? Does he mean to tell me that on all of those hundreds of other jobs where he is sawing, sanding, painting, etc. that he never used this kind of protection?

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