My friend John Barry spends time on the Sierra Club’s website (no, that is not the sign of the apocalypse) … he found this gem:
If you’re already on a company’s mailing list, contact it directly (by going to its Web site or calling customer service) to keep its fiber-intensive material out of your mailbox. To prevent new companies from harassing you, get on the “do not mail” list by writing to Mail Preference Service, Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512 or registering online at Unfortunately, the system doesn’t distinguish between greedy corporations and noble nonprofits, so this action may cut you off from worthy charitable appeals.”
My emphasis added. In other news, I think I convinced myself that global warming “has to” be good using a standard application of utility theory. I’ll work through the simple analysis in the next day or two.
LOL dittoes, Speedmaster!
So the Sierra Club likes appeals from virtuous nonprofits; I will add them to our choir’s mailing list.
Think of the horror when a Sierra Club lawyer feels when his broker sends him one of those slick annual reports. Yes, it is a waste in many ways, and maybe if Sarbanes-Oxley had not passed, many public companies would love to eliminate communicating with their shareholders entirely. But is nobody concerned about the livelihoods of our nation s postal workers?
Guilty as charged; I explored the Sierra Club site on a Saturday after making my pilgrimage down to the mailbox at the foot of my driveway to retreive and then discard my junk mail. I’d like to know whether they stand in favor of abolishing the subsidy for “killing trees” that go into junk mail and then fill our landfills. (i.e. commmercial mail rates, second class I believe).