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Category Archive for 'E-F'

Work in a Sociotropic Environment

Career engagement advice from Arnold Kling: Note Kevin Kelly’s succinct advice: Don’t ever work for someone you don’t want to become. My most succinct advice is: Work for a profit. Young people assign high status to non-profits and low status to profit-seeking firms. The should do the opposite. Profit-seeking firms are generally more sociotropic (the […]

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Why Hello There

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Just writing this down as a prediction to check later. If, and when, “we” are able to roll out fusion electricity at scale: It will massively reduce pollution, electricity costs, inequality, the worry about global warming, mining pollution, resource scares, clean water and much more … It will be hotly opposed by the very communities […]

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Is a pretty sure sign of confusion. Here, in reference to the “Science is Real” portion of those signs, is Richard Feynman: Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. When someone says […]

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Goodbye Tony the Butcher

A great man from our childhood has passed on. You may or may not find his story incredible or uplifting, but his little butcher shop on Jamaica Avenue in Woodhaven was a centerpiece of our lives growing up. I still can feel the sawdust on the tile floor of his shop, and the enormous hanging […]

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Nixon certainly made a lot of use of that idea. Not sure how prevalent it was before him. I also think it is overused today, and from an information economics perspective you can understand why. In any case, here is a parent willing to not remain silent. April 13, 2021  Dear Fellow Brearley Parents,  Our […]

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This post is not intended to be an all-encompassing discussion of the problem of kidney shortages, and the main arguments for an against, rather it is a lightly edited illustration of the conversations we have after I teach lectures on the “efficiency” of the current kidney allocation system. Indeed, we end up having one to […]

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I will refer you later to a much larger work I’ve put together on “everything you need to know about the economics of climate change” … and among the key uncertainties are: What is the equilibrium climate sensitivity (i.e. long-term feedback)? There is zero consensus on this. (“feedback”) What is an appropriate way to count […]

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Wherein Cornell tries to put the locomotive back on the tracks. I doubt it will do much, it may be performative too, but at least they are recognizing the cancer. Cornell Policy Statement on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech and Expression Cornell University respects and is committed to fundamental principles of academic freedom and […]

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What that image depicts is what share of an “adequate family of four budget” that a minimum wage earner would make if she worked full-time (52 weeks @ 40 hours). That budget was determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and included what it costs to purchase goods, rents and services, payment of personal taxes, […]

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