In my house, we celebrate Thanksgiving, we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, we love the Fourth of July. We revere Veterans Day and celebrate May 8. We recognize and respect and learn from all of our mistakes and achievements, and believe that the American IDEA is an idea worth fighting for, worth preserving and protecting. […]
Category Archive for 'Tribalism'
The Need for Truth Seeking Episode 4858582
Posted in Methodology, Tribalism on Nov 12th, 2020
We can debate to the cows come home whether there IS an absolutely definitive objective truth. I get it. But the desire to know more, to be better, is a bit different. I content that many of our ills today emanate from our unwillingness to suggest that there are things that are more right than […]
An Epidemic of Cowardice + Industrial Strength Stigma Generating Tools = …
Posted in Disingenuous, Tribalism on Aug 22nd, 2018
Another very interesting discussion with Thad Russell, this time with Bret Weinstein. Many highlights, but the back and forth on the actual meaning of post-modernism and the confusion about it starting at about the 29:30 mark is well worth listening to. I tend to fall on the interpretation that what is going on on campuses […]
Not only does this Virginia Big Eared Bat have big ears (get it, more listening …) it also happens to not be susceptible to the White Nose Syndrome that is causing problems for other bat populations.
Gifts Suck
Posted in Caring, Classical Liberalism, Extended Order, Religion, Tribalism, You Can't Have it Both Ways on Aug 20th, 2018
Gifts are the original sin of commerce. My theory is that this is why “the gift economy” is so cherished by critics of anonymous, ephemeral, market exchange. Market exchanges allow us to free ourselves from the power that our families and others exercise over us. The wider the extent of market competition, the less we […]
Clarity is Courage
Posted in Caring, Disingenuous, Methodology, The Din, Tribalism on Aug 14th, 2018
It is good intellectual practice (probably not dinner party practice) to take your ideas until they can go no further. If I had one magic wand to wave, one feature I might consider is that all of our attempts to be liked or at least not appear to be one of the deplorables were seriously […]
Jack Handey Thought of the Day
Posted in Government Gone Wild, Tribalism on Dec 6th, 2017
Somehow, I do not think that even the current train wreck of both our actual political governance and our political discourse will encourage anyone to actually question whether government should be as big, powerful and as expansive as it is. As one of my favorite Twitter feeds now reminds me, “Eat Arby’s.”
Let’s Try This One More Time
Posted in Disingenuous, Environment, Tribalism on Oct 4th, 2017
Global warming (or climate change or whatever I am supposed to call it) is real. Doubling of CO2 concentrations should increase temperatures by 1 degree C absent feedback. The “expert” consensus on the ECS is something between 1.5C and 4.5C, but really, it is hard to nail down a precise answer. CO2 concentrations have increased […]
YCHIBW: Cherry Picking Data Edition
Posted in Disingenuous, Environment, labor markets, Tribalism, You Can't Have it Both Ways on Sep 20th, 2017
My eyes tend to gravitate toward climate and labor market issues, so I encounter the following two “arguments” all of the time. (1) There are those who present global temperature data in the following way: “if you look at global temperature records, the rate of temperature increase around the planet has either slowed or paused […]
Wintercow’s Iron Laws of Climate
Posted in Disingenuous, Environment, Methodology, Tribalism on Sep 7th, 2017
To appreciate the state of the “debate”, replace every use of the term “climate change” in a debate with “Genetically Modified Organisms.” If an economist dares to speak on climate change, lighting bolts will descend upon her from the heavens and the fires of Hades will engulf her from below If you see the word […]