In a Good Mood
October 25, 2008 Price System

That’s what oil companies must be in. Just look! Oil prices were over $140 a barrel as recently as July, and as I write prices are down to $64 per barrel.

Why doesn’t Congress haul the energy company CEOs to demand an explanation for their newfound altruism? Or heck, if they are doing this to make a buck, why don’t we haul them before Congress to demand an “excess profits” tax when prices are plummeting? Clearly, the energy companies are being 54% more generous to Americans today than they were in July … how nice of them.

"3" Comments
  1. Gas prices are WAY down in the last few weeks. What happened, did ‘big oil’ have an epiphany in the last month and all of a sudden decide to become less ‘greedy?!’ 😉 [/saracasm]

  2. It smells like a damn fish market in here, phew

  3. You’re right – they must have had an epiphany to become so altruistic so soon!

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