Some Are More Equal Than Others
April 6, 2013 Central Planning

When I first began studying the economics and ecology of wind about 4 years ago, I very much thought the fears of wind-alarmists were, pardon the pun, very much overblown. I don’t mean that wind is the solution to our energy problems (it cannot be, it’s simply not energy dense enough) but rather that fears over the noise of turbines, the aesthetics of turbines and their impact on ecosystems and wildlife populations were exaggerated.

It was nice being optimistic about it, to be quite honest. And I am now coming ’round to the conclusion that I was wrong, as least as far as the impact of wind on ecosystems and wildlife populations. In the coming weeks and months we’ll be posting here the research results on the impact wind farms are actually having on bat and bird populations, which may in fact be worse than the “low estimates” of mortality suggest, particularly in the case of bats. When it comes to bats, windmills do not need to hit them to kill them, for example. And if you want to get a hint as to how I am beginning to think I am right about the harsh impacts of wind on wildlife, just check out government websites like this one.

We received an application for an incidental take permit for the Fowler Ridge Wind Farm in Indiana.  If approved, the Incidental Take Permit would be for a 22-year period and would authorize the incidental take of an endangered species, the Indiana bat. The applicant has prepared a draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that describes actions and measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate incidental take of the Indiana bat.

That’s right. Huge, mega-subsidized wind farms in Indiana are seeking an exception to the Endangered Species Act to “take, incidentally” some Indiana brown bats. I’d lecture you on the ecological significance of bats, but I’ll spare you the pain. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain folks. So, here we have a global warming movement motivated by saving, for example, polar bears – who ironically are flourishing despite the claims to the contrary, and we are slaughtering another Endangered Species, with far more important ecological function than the bears. But bats are scary. And creepy. And ugly. And don’t make for nice Christmas cards to scare the kids. And windmills won’t do a damn thing for global warming or our energy “crisis.”

Have a nice day.

"4" Comments
  1. I killed a bat with a tennis racket once, inside my parents’ home. One time I shot a hawk, too, a bigger sin, thinking it was a crow. For this latter misdeed I was chastised by my father. This occurred before earth day.

    Although I try to rid my attic from squirrels and bats, anybody who dislikes flying insects have to love the flying rats. For the same reason I do not try to rid myself of barn swallows, my friends when I mow.

    If you have bats that squeeze out of your house at twilight, it makes for interesting patio conversation.

    Too bad the windmill farms kill bats. Time to bring the organic mosquito killer. As they say, you are what you eat.

  2. One of the reasons that I never kept a journal is that I’d hate to go back and read all of the foolish things I’ve ever said or thought. It’s really amazing how small our toolbox is when developing positions on complex problems, and even knowing the various damages, how do we weigh them?

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